Fellow best of's ...
11th November 2008
... Comments

Couple of interesting things happended yesterday. I met up with my old friend Saverio Florimonte to discuss bringing his Italian Cookery school onto the site.

It would be great to have him as his son and daughters restaurant La Trattoria is in Talbot Green and probably just too far out for our site. Having said that on every occasion I have eaten there it has been first class. It is just a shame that it is not closer...try it if you can - top draw.

The other meeting I had yesterday was with my Bridgend colleague Jan who owns The Best of Bridgend . She was after a few copies of our Little Blue Book so I met her at the services for a quick cofffee and a catch up. It is always useful to see what other Best of colleagues (particularly in South Wales) are up to. Jan seemed in good spirits and things seem to be Ok in Bridgend despite some serious job losses locally.

But no doom and gloom today...24 hour media coverage just expounds the international global situation - just let it go and lets have some good news for a change. So I'll start them off...for example did you know that Obama spelt backwards is amabo which in the singular future tense in latin means "I will love" - now that's good news!

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Member since: 10th July 2012

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