Is it Safe?
8th March 2010
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Bromley Council are soon to be launching a new online registered trader service, designed to help local residents find 'safe' trades and service providers, and reduce the risk of them falling foul to fraud or bogus traders.

Local businesses are invited to join the free register, promoted by the Safer Bromley Partnership, by completing an online application form. They will be asked to supply three referees, one of whom will be visited by the Council's Trading Standards team. Only after the references have been checked and work approved, will the business be entered onto the rigester.

The Council are quick to stress this is not an approval register as such, but 'should provide reassurance to residents when engaging one of these businesses that they have made a commitment to work to Trading Standard’s best practice guidelines and will strive to offer excellent customer service.... "Our hope is that this new scheme will go some way to putting a stop to the work of villain rogue traders in the borough".'

Full details of how consumers can make use of the scheme will apparently be made available later in the Spring, and traders wanting more information in the meantime should go to

Anyone without access to the internet can request an application pack by contacting Amanda Davis at  or by calling 020 8313 4395 for more information.


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TheBestOfBromley Blog - what's on and what's gone

Kim Frances is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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