10 Easy ways to add exercise into your day to day life.
21st April 2022
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1)      Where you would usually take the lift, try taking the stairs.

2)      While at work, instead of sitting at your desk for lunch why not take it out with you. Have a walk to your nearest park and enjoy your lunch there.

3)      When walking to a destination, why not take a more scenic route? Even adding a couple of minutes to your wall will soon add up!

4)      Park your car further away so it means you must walk a little bit extra.

5)      If you usually drive to work, change it so that one day of the week bike or walk to work.

6)      Do a bigger shop than usual and walk home, the extra shopping will work as weights.

7)      Start or end your day with at least 10 minutes of exercise. From star jumps to squats, do what ever works for you.

8)      Make your bed every morning, it will get your body moving as soon as the day starts

9)      Wash your plates by hand rather than using the dishwasher.

10)   Keep weights by the tv or sofa, this way you will be more inclined to exercise while you watch TV.

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