Less Waste Christmas
23rd November 2009
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I saw an article on the Belfast City Council website about cutting back on waste this Christmas & thought it was worth covering here.

When you're putting together lists to go to the stores or local shops for food and drink have a think about how you can reduce waste & do your bit for the environment by planning ahead:


Some foods have more impact on climate change than others because of the way they are produced, packaged, transported or cooked. Try following these tips:

Fuel emissions

Save money on fuel and cut emissions by walking, using public transport or car-sharing with a friend or relative when you go shopping.


Many food items are sold with large amounts of packaging, much of which is unnecessary. Not only does the packaging take up room in your bin but it also uses up valuable resources during production. You can reduce it by:


This blog was brought to you by The Best of Belfast

  • avoiding unnecessary, or excessive, packaging
  • opting for loose items, such as fruit and vegetables, when possible
  • only buying packaged items that can be recycled
  • always taking a reusable bag with you when shopping - keep it in your car so you always have it handy
  • choosing packaging that is labelled as biodegradable or compostable.

Food waste

Did you know that the average UK household spends more than £400 a year on food that ends up in the bin? Throwing food away wastes the energy used to produce, package and transport it.

Avoid food waste by following these tips:

  • write a list before you go shopping so you are less likely to buy unnecessary items
  • don’t go shopping when you’re hungry - research shows you're more likely to 'impulse buy' on an empty stomach
  • plan your meals in advance so you know exactly what you need
  • always use leftovers - try using vegetables in a stir-fry or use leftover chicken or beef in sandwiches
  • if you can't use leftovers up, freeze them for another time
  • get food storage tips, tasty recipes and portion advice from www.lovefoodhatewaste.com
  • measure pasta, vegetables and meat out so you don't cook too much - visit www.5aday.nhs.uk for more information
  • buy a home composter or wormery so you can recycle vegetable peelings, teabags, egg shells and garden waste into organic fertiliser for your garden and plants.
  • stock up with grains, pulses, fruit and vegetables which cost less to produce
  • durable food such as pasta or rice can be bought in larger packs to save money and use less packaging
  • limit your intake of meat and dairy products
  • choose fresh unprocessed or lightly processed products which don't require a lot of energy to produce
  • buy food which is in season or made locally
  • look for labels which show that food has been produced according to sustainability guidelines
  • support food which has been grown organically or has been made according to green standards
  • try to buy directly when you can to save on fuel costs and emissions.
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