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Family Law & Mediation

26 November 2013 13:14

Divorcing or Separating? Family Law Advice

Income Tax Allowances For the Married.

As the Tory conference commences, the manifesto on tax allowances is announced.

The English Legal System, post April 1 2013.

On 1 April 2013, the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) came into force, changing the face of legal aid as we know it.

Separation Agreements - Pre Divorce Advice

If you are separating from your partner this article will give you an idea of the practicalities of a separation agreement and the types of assets and responsibilities it aims to formally divide between you both.

Dispelling the Myth of the Common Law Wife

In light of recent cases involving cohabitational relationship breakdown, i have written a few words to help those who may want to plan ahead and have a cohabitational agreement drawn up to save pain and potentially much angst later.

Divorce and The Launch of The Women's Lawyer

From January - the month of the Divorce, into February - the month of Love.

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