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Pension shortfalls in the UK are becoming larger but people in business have a choice. There are ways to cover the shortfall, while also helping your business. So read how you can plan for your retirement by using a SIPP to buy your own office or warehouse

Bad News for customers as Banks win landmark court battle on unauthorised overdrafts

Bad new for consumers as banks win landmark case over unauthorised overdraft charges. Many customers who felt they had been unfairly charged for using an unauthorised overdraft charges are now reeling from the courts decision

Why is planning for retirement so important !

With our population getting older are you on track to retire on a decent income or will you be reliant on means tested state benefits. This article shows reasons why it is important to start planning early and why you should get real about your pension.

10 Ways to save tax

10 November 2009 12:00

Are you paying too much tax and if so here are 10 ways of saving tax. Make sure that your savings and investments are achieving their goals but also taking full advantage of tax allowance of £10,680

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