Your Reviews
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Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Ditzy Media are amazing, always so helpful, knowledgeable and inventive. We refer many clients to them for social media training and the feedback is always excellent.

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Its always a pleasure to work with Ditzy Media, the team are great. Our clients love them too. We would certainly recommend anybody who requires Social Media training or Social Media management to contact Ditzy Media.

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Edeal loves working with Ditzy Media, they are super efficient, friendly and offer an invaluable service. Its always reassuring working with such a professional company, you know that with Ditzy Media you get a great service and are in a safe pair of hands.

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

Over the last 6 months Edeal has been working with David at thebestof Eastbourne to run the First Friday networking meetings. Since working with David the number of attendees has doubled, the meetings are more structured and the feedback has been excellent. Davids energy and enthusiasm is very infectious, he has a real passion for helping businesses and the advice he gives is invaluable. David has so many different ideas and is constantly bringing new ideas to the table. He is always so cheerful, happy and helpful and a real pleasure to work with.

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

We have been working with Ditzy Media now for over 2 years, the service they provide is exceptional. As we are ISO 9001 approved we have to evaluate all the services we offer our clients. The feedback we receive from our clients following a training session with Ditzy Media is always excellent. As the training is funded by the local councils it is important that we offer a high standard of training and Ditzy Media always delivers. They are great to work with, very cooperative and obliging.

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Ditzy Media are amazing, they have helped so many of our Edeal clients with their social media training. The feedback we receive is always so positive and it is very evident that the training Ditzy Media provides makes a huge difference. The team are so helpful and nice to deal with, their efficiency and customer service is of a very high standard, they are the perfect example of how a successful business should be run.

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Ditzy Media are amazing, not only do they help our clients but they are always there for us too offering expert advice and guidance. They are an absolute pleasure to work with, very professional and knowledgeable

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

Its an absolute pleasure to work with thebestof Eastbourne. David is so enthusiastic, helpful and very inventive, he always offers ideas and suggestions as to how he can successfully promote your business. He has a great many connections and makes some excellent introductions, all of which are very beneficial. David is also a very positive person and this does rub off on people. He is thebestof, thebestof!

The Afton Hotel, Eastbourne

We hold our monthly networking events at the Afton Hotel on the first Friday of every month. We always find the staff helpful, courteous and friendly, nothing is too much trouble. The hotel offers a great area for us to meet, there are great views from the bar area making for a calm atmosphere.

Ditzy Media, Eastbourne

Ditzy Media is an amazing company, the social media training they have provided to the business community in our region and beyond has been invaluable. The feedback we have received from our clients who have accessed this service is nothing short of excellent. The training has made a real difference to them and their businesses. The impact of the training has seen a huge increase in twitter and facebook users in our town enabling the business community to link up, thus generating business transactions and keeping everybody informed of what's happening locally and regionally. They are a delight to work with, very professional and they show they truly care about what they do and how they can make a difference.

The Afton Hotel, Eastbourne

Great customer service, welcoming and helpful. A great venue and a pleasure to work with.

thebestof Eastbourne, Eastbourne

Great recommendation for a new venue (Afton Hotel) to hold the monthly First Friday business network meeting. Thank you.