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Thebestofbury, Bury

What I liked about the Big Bury Business Expo was meeting plenty of contacts.

People Matters HR, Bury

Niel goes out of his way to make himself accessible and is always helpful and professional. I would not hesitate recommending his services.

Brightway Cleaning, Bury

I would like to tell people of the great service we get from Steve Meachin and his team of Goblins. (or are they Henrys). Most people only voice their opinion when they get bad service, well I'd like to say this firm have only given good service in the 3 years we have used them. Keep it up Steve.

People Matters HR, Bury

People Matters provide a highly professional yet friendly personal service.

Brightway Cleaning, Bury

Brightway Cleaning - What more can I say about Brightway Cleaning other than " They want my Muck"!