Work on Your Mind, Body, and Soul. Here's 10 Tips on How to Meditate at Work
7th May 2019
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Meditation is changing the world. This is a simple practice that millions of people are discovering and using it to become healthier.

As more and more people discover the amazing benefits of meditation in their daily lives, you might be wondering how to meditate at work. 

This is a great idea. After all, meditation can help you cope with stress, reduce blood pressure, and can even increase your ability to focus. 

In this article we take a look at some practical tips for incorporating your meditation practice into your work environment. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about to make your entire day a zen experience.

1. Find a Quiet Space

The first key to developing a meditation practice at work is to locate a quiet space. It should also provide at least a minimal amount of privacy.

After all, the point of meditating is to quiet the mind. This is because the mind itself can be a terrible noisy space. Each of us has an internal monologue that runs nonstop. Meditation provides the opportunity to step away from the internal narrator and replace it with stillness.

Finding a quiet space at work might be a challenge. If you have a private office, this is ideal. You can meditate while sitting at your desk, or sit on the floor. Nothing fancy is required.

2. Consider Using a Meditation App

There are plenty of great meditation apps available. These apps typically feature a timer that you can set for any period of time, and provide a gentle reminder when your meditation period has ended.

Many apps also offer guided meditations, where a meditation guide will provide a gentle voice to walk you through the steps of your breathing and relaxation exercises.

3. Start Small

Keep in mind that even a small window of time is perfect. Try to start with a five-minute meditation. You'll quickly discover that this can actually feel like an eternity when you first begin, especially at the office.

Starting small is easier than going overboard by trying to clear twenty minutes or an hour in the middle of a busy workday. You will be surprised at the benefits that even a two or three-minute meditation can provide.

4. Try to be Consistent

Consistency is actually more important than the length of time of each meditation. The more consistent you become with your practice, the more easily your busy mind will respond. 

If possible, meditate at the same time each day. Or better yet, practice very short meditations two or three times each day rather than one long session. The results will absolutely amaze you.

5. Ready Yourself Before You Begin

In order to maximize the benefits of your meditation practice at work, we recommend preparing yourself before actually beginning the meditation session. 

Go ahead and begin concentrating on your breath. Become aware of your breathing pattern. You should feel your body begin to relax. And as your focus shifts toward your breath, it will shift attention away from the river of thoughts inside your mind.

The purpose of prepping yourself is to make the most of your mediation. There's no need to close your eyes. Simply become aware that it's time to begin quieting your mind and relaxing your body so that when your formal practice begins, it will have the greatest impact possible. 

6. Go Outside

Another great option for your meditation practice at work is to go outside. After all, few environments are as soothing as fresh air, a pleasant breeze, the sounds of birds singing, and warmth on sunshine on your face.

We understand that not every workplace offers access to an outdoor area that's quiet or private. Many people work in urban environments, in huge buildings, multiple floors up, surrounding by streets and sidewalks and noisy traffic.

The sounds of traffic and road construction often make it nearly impossible to quiet the mind enough to focus on your breath. And yet any time you do have access to a quiet environment where you can enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunshine, we encourage you to take advantage of it.

7. Repeat a Mantra

There are many forms of meditation practices. And none of them are any better than any other. Everyone has a preference. Those who practice TM, or Transcendental Meditation, typically use a mantra to help them clear their mind and focus.

Many people find this to be a useful tool when dealing with the hectic nature of the mind. You can choose a mantra for yourself, or have one assigned to you when you sign up as a part of TM.

If you're interested in learning about the value of inner peace, here is a resource where you can find out more.

8. Make Your Meditation a Lifestyle

Another approach to meditation is to make it a lifestyle rather than a formal practice. By this, we mean to simply always be aware of your busy mind, to focus on your breath, and detach from your thoughts as you notice them.

9. Be Prepared for Interruptions

It's nearly impossible to avoid interruptions when meditating. This is true whether you practice at home or at work. But the office is a busy place, with lots of demands. Try not to be discouraged by this. 

Just be aware that distractions happen, and realize that this is no big deal.

10. Invite Others 

Keep in mind that everyone in your office could benefit from meditating. So perhaps mention your desire to meditate at the office to workmates. This could create an opportunity for shared meditation experience.

In fact, many companies have begun to incorporate meditation into the workplace because they understand the enormous benefits this provides to employees.

Tips for How to Meditate at Work

It's hard to overemphasize the importance of meditation. That's why there's such value in learning how to meditate at work. Once you discover the power of quieting your mind, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Click here to learn how to learn more about the practice of mindfulness meditation.


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Tom Clark

Member since: 26th November 2018

Having enriching experience in the world of digital marketing, I have created a niche for myself in the industry. The primary focus lies in writing, blogs, articles and different stuff that help businesses...

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