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Shop Till You Drop News & Updates

Mother's Day Gift ideas
Mother's Day Gift ideas
The Buy Local Campaign is starting in Rushden, so why not start by buying something special from one of the great shops to treat your Mum on Mother's Day.
Save Money Tip!
Save Money Tip!
Don't fuel british gas profits and shop smartly to save money on your household bills
Local people have taken time to show support and genuine affection for Brackley businesses. A few kind words can make a huge difference to a business owner who puts 110% of themselves into their work.
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
Our 14 days of love campaign will soon be ending in Northampton
Visit Brackley Leisure Centre on Sunday for fun for all the family and an opportunity to further support local retailers.
Beatties in Northampton
Beatties in Northampton
Beatties in Northampton to get £1m makeover
Today was spent visiting two of Brackley's skilled businesses
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