Plans proposed to create Oxley health & wellbeing facility and new homes
23rd March 2022
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City of Wolverhampton Council is set to approve plans to create a modern health & wellbeing facility and new homes on the site of the former Oxley Day Training Centre site.


A report on the proposal will be discussed at next Wednesday’s (March 23) Cabinet meeting.


A feasibility study for the scheme on the vacant, Council-owned Probert Road site has been undertaken with a view to an outline planning application being submitted later this year, following further talks with stakeholders and public consultation with the local community.


The Council has been working closely with the NHS Black Country & West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, GPs and the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (RWT) to develop a clinical service model that would provide improved Council health and family services with integrated general medical services, more integrated working between primary care, community services, social care and secondary care providers, accommodation for local GP practices, a base for RWT’s district nursing teams and a clinical bookable suite to support local delivery of ‘out of hospital’ services.


The residential accommodation proposal will include an opportunity for key worker housing and affordable living. The proposal allows for a mix of 34 housing units across the site, including apartments and town houses, with a view to being sold to a Housing Provider that must be able to support the new Government Self & Custom Build initiative.


Funding for the project is expected to come from a mixture of grants, subject to confirmation of successful bids, and prudential borrowing.


City of Wolverhampton Council Deputy Chief Executive, Mark Taylor, said: “This is an ambitious proposal that makes use of a brownfield site that is no longer in use.


“It will provide invaluable health & wellbeing services for the local community and will also help deliver more and better homes in Oxley.”

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