Look after your wellbeing this Christmas
29th December 2024
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While the festive season is a time to enjoy a break, celebrate and connect with friends and family, for some people this can become overwhelming.

It is important to know that there are some practical steps you can take that will be good for your physical and mental wellbeing. 

These include: 

  • Keeping active: Physical activity is great for your mind and body. Find ways to keep physically active that are suitable to your ability – anything from seated exercise to walking or running. 
  • Being prepared: Christmas is a busy time of year, so plan ahead. If you have shopping to do or if you’re hoping to meet with friends and family, having a daily plan will help you get organised. This way you’re less likely to forget important things. 
  • Being relaxed: Try a relaxation or meditation exercise that works for you and practice it once a day for at least 10 minutes. 
  • Being helpful: See how you can support others. If someone is alone over Christmas, reach out to them, or if someone needs help with collecting shopping during the cold, dark days, offer them a hand. There are also opportunities for voluntary work this time of year. 
  • Being heard: Talk to friends, family about how you are feeling. You can do this in person, by phone, or online, and often those around us can help us find solutions to our concerns or encourage us to seek help when we need it.

Councillor Jasbir Jaspal, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Wellbeing, said: “If you are feeling low, lonely, isolated or would like to speak to someone, it is important to remember that help is available throughout the holiday period.”

The Rethink Black Country 24/7 support line can be contacted on 0800 008 6516 or text 07860 025281. The service will listen to you, offer advice, and connect you with the right support for you. The service is open 24/7 except Christmas Day (6 to 8pm), Boxing Day (6 to 9pm), New Year’s Eve (6 to 9pm) and New Year’s Day (6 to 8pm).

You could also contact The Samaritans by calling 116 123, visiting The Samaritans, or emailing jo@samaritans.org - emails will be replied to within 24 hours.

For urgent advice can contact NHS 111 and select Option 2 for mental health.

The NHS Every Mind Matters website provides a range of tools and advice on how you can look after your wellbeing and support those around you.  

If you would prefer to speak to someone in person, support is available at The Sanctuary Hub, open between 6pm and 11pm Monday to Friday and from 12 noon until 11pm at weekends, except Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (closed) and Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day (all 6 to 9pm). 


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