Biography of Rev Philip Solomon Radio, TV Presenter and Professional Psychic Medium
11th February 2020
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Biography of Rev Philip Solomon Radio, TV Presenter and Professional Psychic Medium

Philip Solomon, BA Hons, IWO Dip., CTLLS
Tel. No: 0044 7753 211506. Email address:

2020 - My name is Philip Solomon. I am a radio and TV presenter, but also recognised as one of the world's top psychic mediums. I have regularly worked in theatres, giving demonstrations of clairvoyance and I am available for guest appearances on television and radio shows. Although I am now basically retired, occasional appearances are considered and I also offer others the opportunity for development training locally.

I am the author of 30 published books, including present best-sellers, Guided By The Light, my autobiography; The A-Z of Spiritualism; Beyond Death: Conditions In The Afterlife and other books on the paranormal and also a couple of novels, all of which have done very well in the past.

I am a very reliable and thoroughly conscientious presenter, broadcaster and singer/songwriter and currently have my own radio show on Wolverhampton City Radio, WCR 101.8 FM, Philip Solomon’s Music and Memories every Monday evening 7-9pm. Every week I interview celebrity guests, both locally and of a worldwide standing. Presently, and in the past, I have my own feature columns in various top magazines and newspapers, including Take A Break, Fate & Fortune and Spirit & Destiny magazines, Haunted magazine, Psychic World and many more, and of course I am known to everyone in the Black Country for when I had my own full page every week in the Wolverhampton Express & Star, as the resident psychic agony uncle.

From a radio station in Wolverhampton, WCR 101.8 FM, I have created a radio programme that has achieved massive popularity and is still running after over twelve years with a big listenership locally and worldwide on the internet and is one of the most listened to ‘play it again’ shows in the West Midlands. It is called Philip Solomon’s Music & Memories and is broadcast every Monday night 7 to 9 pm on the FM frequency and worldwide on the internet from WCR’s website.

2000 – 2010 - I started my career in broadcasting many years ago on Birmingham hospital radio, and eventually became the former resident psychic/ presenter for over ten years for BBC Radio, Pebble Mill, Birmingham. For many years I was a feature writer for Psychic News and many other newspapers and magazines, and had my own feature page as Philip Solomon, Your Psychic Agony Uncle, for the Express & Star Wolverhampton, (Britain’s biggest regional evening newspaper), for over 12 years between 2002 and 2014, and I think it would be fair to say contributed towards me becoming one of the best-known local personalities and faces in the Black Country. Previously I worked for the Walsall Observer and was a general commissioned regular feature columnist for many of the Evening Mail/Mirror group regional papers, author of the famous Old Black Country column - published in 34 regional newspapers. I have also written and produced numerous videos and CDs in the role of presenter or executive producer. I come from a very long line of psychic mediums, both my parents were very well-known and excellent Spiritualist mediums, and my grandmother was also a medium and active promoter of Spiritualism. They were all very involved at Darlaston Spiritualist Church, my mother as both church medium and president, at one time and it was at such churches across the area that my career started before I\ went on to radio, TV and theatre work.

1970 - 2010 - I was a very regular specialist guest on programmes such as Good Morning TV in the UK and the States, The Richard and Judy Morning Show, Birmingham L!VE, Cable, Sky, Granada Live Time, etc., Stargazer Knows Best, starring me for BBC TV, Pebble Mill. Also a regular guest on one of America’s top chat shows, Joe Franklyn's Up Late Show on WBO Manhattan USA.

Examples of some of my published books
1989 - Wrote best-selling local book "Ghosts of the Midlands and How to Detect Them".
1990 - Wrote book "Ghosts, Legends and Psychic Snippets".
1990 - 1994 - Former Astrologer/Psychic, BBC Radio, Pebble Mill, England.
1992 - Wrote history of Black Country "Black Country Ways in Bygone Days".
1993 - Wrote book "Dreamers Psychic Dictionary".
1998 - Wrote best selling local book "Ghosts and Phantoms of Central England".
2001 – Wrote best-selling book, “Beyond Death: Conditions In The Afterlife”.
2007 - Haunted Black Country
2008 - Haunted Derby
2009 - Haunted Telford
2009 - Guided By The Light, The Autobiography of a Born Medium (Best selling book, UK)
2014 - The A-Z Dictionary of Spiritualism and The Psychic World (Worldwide best seller)
2014 - The Dream Fight
2015 - The Boxing Heavyweight Championship Quiz Book
2015 - Ghosts, Ghouls and Gore Quiz Book

1992 to date - Writer of many major features and Specials for The Sunday Mercury and the Birmingham Evening Mail, such as "The Great Midlands Ghost Guide, Tales of the Old Black Country, New Year magazine specials and predictions feature every year. Recently British psychic for Fate Magazine, USA, (a top psychic publication in the USA). Chosen again for two years running. I wrote a highly popular weekly feature column in Midlands dialect for several newspapers. I have also acted as executive producer and presenter on video production - Hauntings and Mysteries of the Black Country and also a more general video production, On Your Motorbike With Philip Solomon, Lumic International Video and Film Company Recently I was the compere of the Silver Stars Contest sponsored by Yours Magazine, in Wolverhampton, UK. I am a regular guest/expert on the paranormal, parapsychology and the psychic world on local and national radio and television and have had my work featured in major British newspapers such as the Guardian, Telegraph, The Huffington Post USA, etc.

I have acted as technical advisor on the subject of ghosts, hauntings and psychic awareness, mediumship and parapsychology to major film makers and companies worldwide and lectured on the subject area at universities and colleges at home and abroad.

St Giles’ Secondary Modern School, Willenhall, West Midlands
Walsall College of Technology
Wulfruna College, Wolverhampton
BA Hons Degree in Video and TV Production (University of Wolverhampton)
I hold the Institute of Welfare Officers Diploma, (Hons Degree level)
CTLLS Teacher Training Qualification (Staffordshire University)

I am a West Midlands/UK based radio and TV presenter, having investigated some of the world's best known and most prominent haunted locations. I have worked with several well-known mediums such as Derek Acorah, Tony Stockwell, Colin Fry and many of the other top mediums on television, and worked extensively with renowned and famous parapsychologists, such as Dr Professor Hans Holzer of New York, USA at numerous media events.

In the past I have worked for organisations such as the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), and several independent broadcast organisations and I continue to be a major fund-raiser for worthy charitable organisations. In 2003 I was invited to Buckingham Palace to take tea with the Queen at a royal garden party in recognition of my charity and broadcasting work. Today, many describe me as one of the best clairvoyant mediums in the world, I just prefer to describe myself as an ordinary man with a very special gift. I am also a singer/songwriter, musician, poet, storyteller and painter, but not so many people know me for these things - I hope they will in the future. I have very much enjoyed visiting senior citizens, disabled and other venues in the past to entertain as part of my charity work.

I am an older radio presenter and right now I think there is a massive market and interest from the 40 to 70 year-old viewer and listener that gets missed by a lot of programme makers and this is something I am championing, and despite being retired, I continue to do quite a bit of charity work and occasional events. I do also still offer my services to universities, schools and other institutions who would like me to give talks on the paranormal, ghosts and haunting which still remain an incredibly poplar subject from students to pensioners alike! I am also active in promoting multi-faith acceptance, support for minority groups, self-improvement organisations and groups. I suppose I have been lucky to receive many achievements and awards in my life, everyone likes to walk that red carpet.

I am a member of the Alumni Organisation for Wolverhampton University and a strong supporter of the Royal Family. I never hide the fact that an award from the Queen would be my lifetime ambition and am always honest enough to say I would love an MBE or similar. Very recently I became the bishop of the West Midlands for the New Christian Spiritualists’ Society, where I am an ordained reverend minister, and continue to strive for more acceptance of Spiritualism as a religion generally, and occasionally demonstrate mediumship at local venues. I enjoy doing this when I can, alongside my support for other recognised world religions. This is a very important part of my multi-faith work.

Charitable work has always been a very important part of my life, although I prefer to support many organisations, rather than act as an ambassador or worker for one particular group, I rather like to think of myself as a Robin Hood-type character but, of course, legally obtaining money from the better off to give to the poor!

I would finish my autobiography by saying I am a Willenhall lad born and bred, and perhaps one of my greatest honours was being asked to write the history of my own town, the book was called “Willenhall A Town To Be Proud Of” and was published in 2003. It sold out two full prints with all proceeds going to Walsall Local History Centre, who produce some great books promoting the Black Country and the history of its associated towns such as Willenhall, although in truth I always think of myself as a Willenhall man much closer to Wolverhampton. Perhaps one day I will write the history of that town, although at present in my retirement, I seem to be doing more charity work than ever, particularly my promotion of multi-faith acceptance and understanding of all faiths, peoples and creeds.

Philip Solomon, BA Hons

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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