Alz Café Wolverhampton.
23rd April 2019
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Alz Café Wolverhampton has been running for just over 12 years, starting in
November 2006 with just a small grant from the Local Authority, originally
voluntarily ‘staffed’ from the former Wolverhampton City PCT.

It is a monthly gathering where people with dementia and their family and friends can be together in a safe, welcoming environment, in the company of others in ‘the same boat’ as well as a number of volunteers all having had experience of working or living with people with dementia and without whom the Café would not be able to run. Attendance has grown over the years making the Café very popular and successful.

It is believed that the Cafe flourishes because it listens to feedback from those who attend and implements new ideas, making it a group that people affected by dementia really want by responding to attendee feedback. It is the only dementia Cafe that runs in the evening making it easier for family and friends who work to attend.

A typical evening at the Café starts with an informal chat with others over light refreshments, offering the opportunity for everyone to get to know one another. Then there will be musical entertainment during which everyone is encouraged to either dance, sing-a-long or interact in any way they wish.

A variety of food is provided (including fish & chip suppers, pizza & chips, a BBQ theme, jacket potatoes, buffets and a curry night). Throughout the evening there is the opportunity to take part in a picture quiz at the table and raffle for which there are several prizes. The evening is free of charge, apart from the raffle which has a nominal cost (there is no obligation to take part in this).

It is a completely independent group with no statutory funding, relying on fundraising and donations in order to carry on running and offering trips out which we have been able to run for the past 2 years or so. We have been extremely fortunate to have been chosen by the Wolverhampton Mid-Counties Co-operative Society to be their sponsored group from April 2018 until March 2020 which has already helped enormously.

We have the year planned out with some extremely popular and professional entertainers and more exciting trips in the pipeline, none of which would be possible without the wonderfully generous people who make donations and the staff from regional Mid-Counties Co-op who are continually fundraising for us.

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 7pm until 9pm at the Penn United Reformed Church, 333 Penn Road, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5QF

For full details please contact Julie Grainger on either 07804832397 or email to

About the Author

Ian Henery

Member since: 4th February 2019

Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra

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