Weymouth Slimmer loses her 'Curves'
5th September 2009
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Jane Wallis, a social care consultant from Weymouth, has lost nearly eight stone since January 2008 thanks to hard work, determination and the encouragement and exercise she received at Curves, local fitness club.

Jane, 50, weighed in at 20 stone 5 1/2 pounds and struggled to walk 200 yards without having to stop for breath. That year, she says it finally dawned on her that her health was going to start suffering badly if she didn’t shed some weight.

She realised that it would be impossible to start an exercise routine in the shape that she was in, and so vowed to lose three stone before looking for a gym that suited her.

She joined Slimming World and managed to lose the first few stone quite steadily. “I’ve always been a fairly healthy eater,” she says, “but I was simply eating too much. My job involves a lot of sitting and writing – and I tended to have regular lunchtime meetings during the week so over the years, I’d just got bigger and bigger!”

By October 2008 she’d lost the three stone, but in her own words, her “bouncy bits were heading south.” The rapid weight loss had literally taken its toll on her skin. She knew that exercise was the only way that she’d be able to tone up and carry on losing weight.

Jane started looking around fitness clubs but she wasn’t always impressed with what she saw. The exercise machines seemed dull and repetitive - and at one gym, she felt completely intimidated by the big, beefy men and the women wearing full make-up and jewellery!

Her first trial at Curves however, was a completely different story. For a start it’s women only – their unofficial motto is “no make-up, no men and no mirrors!”

“As I walked in, there was a group of real looking women, all shapes, all sizes and all ages, discussing the various merits of different supermarket’s doughnuts! They were all laughing and chatting and I immediately felt comfortable.”

The exercise routine at Curves is based on a circuit that combines cardio exercise with strength training to work every major muscle group. It gives you the equivalent of a 90 minute workout in just 30 minutes, and because it’s fast moving, you don’t have the time to get bored.

You can start at your own pace and even miss out some of the machines if you need to, but once you build stamina and fitness you can use the circuit to work as hard as you like.

Jane started going to Curves three times a week and has not only lost more weight (she’s now only got a stone left to go) but she’s also noticed one huge difference - her wobbly bits are much firmer & back where they should be!

“The trainers at Curves in Weymouth are always really supportive and encouraging.  There’s always a really good atmosphere there and I don’t feel in the least bit self-conscious.”

The Curves circuit is about fitness and health, gaining strength and losing weight. Over four million women worldwide are members and Jane is convinced that it is slowing her symptoms of arthritis and helping to keep her heart healthy.

In August, Jane and 1,000 other women walked 10 km in aid of the Weldmar Hospice Care Trust, a local charity providing support and information for people with life threatening illnesses and their families.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever walked so far, but I was determined to do it to raise money for this worthwhile cause AND to prove to myself that I could.”

And Jane’s going to carry on with her regular exercise routine even when she’s reached her target weight. “When I think back to how I felt a year and a half ago, I can hardly believe I’m the same person. My husband even said recently that I was ready to wear a bikini!”

For more information about Curves in Weymouth, call Barbara on 01305 777009.

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