Coping With Redundancy
9th January 2011
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Being made redundant is a life changing experience and it’s often a very difficult time for people. Some people will be in jobs for many years and then find themselves having to look for a new job. The fear of going for interviews and meeting new people can be very stressful and the pressure of finding a job in the current market can affect most people in this situation.

Some companies will support their employees when they are made redundant and this is fantastic because it gives that person confidence and some re-training that will help them to find a new job.

If you find yourself in a redundancy situation here’s some tips for you:

If your confidence is low, write down all the things you are good at in your current role. This will create focus on the positives rather than worrying that you are not good enough. Remember the reasons why you got the job you are in now.

Consider all of your options, you will find there are more than you think. Talk to friends and family to see if they can recommend you at their work. Ask on Facebook or LinkedIn. Look into local Business Link workshops you may want to consider starting your own business. Contact local job agencies and apply for jobs online.

There are jobs and careers out there for everyone it’s down to you as a person to find one. Don’t sit at home, get yourself out there and make your own success. I’ve spoken to a couple of recruitment agencies recently who have jobs on their books which is really promising in this climate.

If you would like any further support or a change in career as a Life Coach, please contact me Jo Webster, NLP Trainer and Coach. We run personal development courses in Northamptonshire, Bournemouth, Hitchin and Cambridge.

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