Daisy Chain Florist
  • 177 Silverdale Road

    Tunbridge Wells
Wedding flowers, throughout the day, bouquets to button holes, Church to table, Daisy Chain Florists of Tunbridge Wells.


Flowers for your wedding day


At Daisy Chain Florists in Tunbridge Wells, we cater for all types of wedding.  Providing flowers, table decorations, church decorations, bridal bouquets and wedding party button holes. 

Large or small weddings, traditional or modern.  Whatever your wedding flower requirements you can be assured of expert advice and personal, friendly service.

Services that we offer for your wedding day are:

  • Bridal bouquets
  • button holes
  • Church decorations
  • table decorations
  • reception hall decorations
  • cake decorations


Wedding days are important and customers need to feel at ease with their floral arrangements.  Hazel Parsons, owner and florist is passionate about flowers and expert too.  So whatever your budget, colour scheme or requirements, Hazel of Daisy Chain in Tunbridge Wells, can offer advice and solutions to make sure your wedding day flowers are the best and fresh.

For beautiful wedding flowers and decorations in Tunbridge Wells contact Daisy Chain Florist please mention the best of Tunbridge Wells when contacting Daisy Chain Florist for wedding flowers in Tunbridge Wells 

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