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Thornhill Community Centre
Thornhill Community Centre
  • Leadon Close

Rooms for hire: large room about 100 people, small room about 25 people. Large/Small room cost £8ph

Main hall £10ph, deposit of £5 with initial booking.

Rooms can be used for meetings, rehersals, birthday parties etc..

Kitchen facilities included in hire.


Mondays: Playgroup, Silver liners club, Youth club

Tuesdays: Playgroup, Cosy kitchen, Food co-op, Book swap, Credit union

Wednesdays: Playgroup, Breastfeeding group, Genealogy, Youth Club

Thursdays: Playgroup, Workers Education Association Classes, Thornhill residents open coffee morning, Indoor short mat bowls (winter only)

Friday: Playgroup, Antenatal Classes

Saturday: Councillor surgery (1st Sat of every month)

Social Interaction