30 January 2014 09:40
Shrewsbury College invited in a Shropshire –based Michelin starred restaurant owner and chef to give Hospitality & Catering students a master class in producing award winning cuisine.
24 January 2014 15:19
Shrewsbury College students are performing in the top 10 per cent of Further Education (FE) Colleges nationally in terms of their improvement after school.
23 January 2014 15:34
Shrewsbury College is offering a part-time course for people over the age of 19 who want to learn the basics of Aromatherapy.
13 January 2014 13:19
Shrewsbury College's theatre company in residence are already brimming with ideas for the Spring term.
13 January 2014 09:51
Students from the Arts and Performing Arts departments at Shrewsbury College will be operating a Pop-up shop showcasing and selling their own work this week.
06 January 2014 16:03
Love Football? You’ll love Futsal! Shrewsbury College has teamed up with Shrewsbury Town Football Club (STFC) and Futsal UK to deliver a Level 1 BTEC sports qualification alongside Futsal training and development.
20 December 2013 11:48
With 2013 drawing to a close, Shrewsbury College is inviting people to look at its huge range of part-time courses which can help people broaden their horizons.
09 December 2013 11:59
Shropshire families are being invited to a FREE Christmas Concert featuring Shrewsbury College’s Choir at St Chad’s Church in the town.
03 December 2013 10:03
In return for their hard work during Global Entrepreneurship Week, Shrewsbury College has been given a High Impact Award.
29 November 2013 13:33
With the news this week from the National Audit Office that the amount of unpaid student loans will rise to £200bn over the next 30 years, Shrewsbury College is offering students a way to study locally for less or even free.
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