Watts your roof worth?
4th January 2011
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Thinking about electricity doesn’t exactly spark excitement! But the UK energy industry is going to change rapidly over the next few years.


The select few major companies like Eon and EDF currently permitted to generate and sell power, will no longer be holding all the cards. A new wave of energy producers will enter the market, most of whom will be supplying energy from renewable sources, transferring power to the people!


At Richmond Renewables our business is helping you to reduce your carbon emissions, reduce your energy bills and generate an income through the feed in tariff and renewable heat incentives.


How the feed in Tariff works


Each kilowatt of power produced by your solar pv panels, is exported to the grid and your energy supplier will pay you £0.41p – approximately three times more than you would pay for the actual electricity you use.


Initial outlay v ROI?


Renewable energy systems are a longer term investment. The initial outlay can be more expensive than the traditional options, but the savings made plus the generated income from Feed in Tariffs and similar means that extra spend can be captured in as little as three years.


Are the installations unsightly?


No. The systems are continuously evolving to fit more seamlessly into a properties structure.


What are the main types of renewable energy systems?


  • Solar Photovoltaic Panels
  • Solar Thermal, Tubes and Panels
  • Air Source Heat Pumps
  • Ground Source Heat Pumps
  • High efficiency Gas boilers
  • From 2011: Micro CHP (combined heat and power) boilers


Based in Hampton Hill, our showroom displays a wide choice of eco-friendly solutions, or we can come out and visit you. Our highly qualified team offer a superior level of expertise about what systems will work best, and how they will both save and make you money.



Richmond Renewables - Renewable Energy - Richmond upon Thames

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