Recycling - not just at home but in the workplace too
23rd May 2008
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Putting the bins out, a chore that most of us dont look forward to doing each and every week (even more so when having to clear up the mess left by an inquisitive and hungry fox!!), especially now that it's usually more than one bin/box and with our waste having to be seperated - something that would've been deemed a needless hassle just as little as 10 years.

But now we all do it. Why? Because recycling has become a way of life for tha majority of us as councils have become stricter and we're constantly reminded by the media about the damage a non-recycling society has done to the planet and will continue to do in future unless we become more recycling aware.

But what about businesses, who have long been guilty of producing the most waste?

Well from March 2007 Richmond Borough Council began a recycling trial, supplying bins to businesses. Customers could use their own bins if they wished, otherwise would be subjected to an annual bin hire. The materials would be picked up on a weekly basis and the council would pick up more often than this when necessary. Glass would be taken to Day Aggregates in Brentford and the recycling to Middlesex. The cardboard and papers lorries would return to the depot in Twickenham and tip in the MRF (Material Recycling Facility). UPM (shotton papers) would then take that paper and card recyclables to Erith in Kent for re-processing.

Some facts and figures regarding the process.

  • Richmond Borough Council employ 5 trucks, dedicated solely for business use.
  • 59 businesses currently participate in the glass collections.
  • 298 businesses participate in the cardbard and paper collections.
  • Richmond Borough Council caters for all types of businesses. They have small SME's who have a couple of sacks per week and larger businesses who are on multiple collections of 1100 litter bins.
  • The Council covers all areas of the borough.
  • Approx 240 tonnes of paper and card were collected from Mar 07 to Mar 08, approx 200 tonnes of mised glass collected from Mar 07 to Mar 08

And want to learn how much this all costs?

Commercial waste

Commercial waste charges

So this all comes at a price (with concessions for charites) but with Richmond's aim to be the cleanest and greenest borough in London, encouraging producers of waste to manage their waste responsibly and help us to protect our environment, surely this is a good idea I think you'd agree.

About the Author

Stuart J

Member since: 19th June 2012

Web Editor/Accounts Manager for thebestofrichmond. Football/Boxing/Mixed Martial Arts enthusiast in spare time.

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