New parking contract is cheaper and fairer
7th January 2011
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Richmond Council has signed a new parking contract that will both save the Council money and herald in a new era of customer focussed parking enforcement.  


On Sunday 9 January a new contractor, Vinci Park, will replace the existing provider NSL. As part of the Council’s drive to get best value on all contracts, the new deal is saving local tax payers over £700,000 on the previous arrangement and will lead to a fairer and more customer focused approach to parking enforcement. 


Under the new contract, greater emphasis will be placed on trying to provide motorists with helpful information on where and how best to park. Penalty notices will still be issued, but there will be more use of warning letters where someone has appealed against a ticket for inadvertently overstaying their time period in a Council car park or on street space, if this is the first occurrence.


So not only should this make parking less of a headache for us drivers, retail businesses should also benefit from this more 'humane' approach to parking enforcement.


More details on parking in the borough are available at

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Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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