Live a healthier life in 2013 with LiveWell Richmond
25th January 2013
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This month and next month will see Livewell Richmond - Richmond boorugh's new NHS one-stop shop for personal health - made available in five local libraries, providing residents the opportunity to improve their health and well being in 2013.

The goal for Livewell Richmond is to assist people who are contemplating making changes to their lifestyles that will enable them to become healthier, stay healthier and live longer.

Cllr Nicola Urquhart, Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Housing, said: “If you want to get healthy this year, then LiveWell Richmond could be exactly the help you need to keep you on track.

“Mike Hughes, manager of the service, and his team of health trainers are there to point you in the right direction, not lecture you, or tell you what to do. They will help you work out your own personal and realistic goals, give you tips on how you might set about achieving them and support on the way.

“Whatever it is you want to change about your lifestyle, be it eating more healthily, being more active or quitting smoking, the LiveWell team are there to make it easier for you. So head down to one of the sessions held in local libraries over this month and February to find out more”

Health trainers will be on hand at the library drop-in sessions and will explain more about the service and demonstate the web page and social networking options for contacting the service including a smartphone app, Facebook and Twitter.

For those seeking advice on their current health status there will also be some standard health checks including BMI, blood pressure and blood carbon dioxide level. Should you be interested in volunteering to be a local Health Champion, they will also be able to explain what is involved.

At the library drop-in sessions the health trainers will be available to explain more about the service and show you the web page and social networking options for contacting the service including, a mobile phone app, Facebook and Twitter.

For those wanting advice on their current health status they will be going through some simple health checks including BMI, blood pressure, and blood carbon dioxide level.

The remaining dates and venues for LiveWell Richmond’s Library Roadshow are as follows:

Castelnau Library:

Saturday 9 February 10:00 – 12:00

Ham Library:

Saturday 9 February 10:0 – 12:00

Whitton Library:

Saturday 26 January 10:00 – 12:00

Wednesday 30 January 12:00 – 2:00

East Sheen Library

Saturday 2 February 10:00 – 12:00

Tuesday 5 February 12:00 – 2:00

Hampton Library

Saturday 2 February 10:00 – 12:00

About the Author

Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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