High praise for Richmond Adult Care Services.
9th December 2009
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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) have recently found Richmond Upon Thames to be "excellent" at providing vulnerable adults and older people in the Borough control over the services they receive.

These services are "performing well" according to a press release from the Borough Council based on annual performance ratings published at the beginning of the month.

The report, grading services provided by local authorities nationwide, certainly praises many services within the Borough, including improvements made to safeguard residents with partner's such as the Police and NHS Richmond.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is a new organisation formed in April 2009 from three previous inspection bodies – the Commission for Social Care Inspection, Healthcare Commission and Mental Health Commission 

How do their findings relate to you? Let us know from the inside perspective how we're really doing in Richmond's Adult Social Care services. It's fantastic Richmond has been rated so well, but I'm sure input from the people who receive assistance and funding would go a long way towards even better improvements in the future.

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Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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