Have Your Say About Developing Twickenham Station
7th September 2010
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Richmond Council have published the following press release following a planning application to develop Twickenham Station.

Local residents may have concerns about the proposed development, and clearly there is a rick of disruption to services while the work is carried out. Or you may wish to register your approval of the improvements!

The press release issues a clear invitation to have your say about the development, and check out the proposed plans on their planning pages - take the opportunity:


Richmond Council has received a planning application for initial development work on Twickenham Railway station.
The application is for the removal of existing footbridge structures and erection of a podium over the railway lines with a new temporary bridge structure providing access from the existing station building to the platforms
The planning application is currently out for public consultation with neighbours and other relevant people having been notified by the Council. Following this process a report will be produced which will enable the Council to consider this application on its merits. No date has yet been set for this decision but it is expected to be sometime in late autumn.
Full details of the planning application can be viewed on the council’s website
If you would like to comment on this application you can do so on the web site or in writing. Comments should include your full name and address and may be sent to:
Environment Directorate
Development Control – North Area
Civic Centre
44 York Street
A further application will be submitted for the main station development, this is expected to be received within the next three months.


What do you think about the proposed changes to the station? Tell us here at thebestof Richmond by commenting on this thread or emailing us - it's simple!

Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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