Full Council to discuss PCN refund proposals
26th July 2011
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Earlier this month, Richmond Council apologised to drivers in the borough for receiving income from charges for over 18,500 PCNs from incorrectly certified camera cars between April 2009 and April 2011. The charges total over £1m.  At this week’s Cabinet meeting, members agreed recommendations that these PCNs are refunded following approval from full Council on 14 September 2011. 


Lord True, Leader of Richmond Council, said: “We have already apologised and accepted responsibility for this error. The Council normally has a 28 day appeal deadline for PCNs. However, we are proposing to go beyond our normal powers and extend this period using a discretion that is available to us. 


“On Thursday, Cabinet agreed the proposals to refund the money to drivers who wish to reclaim their tickets.  We are working on the actual process and will ensure that it is as simple and accessible as possible.  


“It is important that the democratic process we follow is correct so that we can resist any challenge that comes our way from those who will say we are doing too much. All councillors must have the opportunity to have their say and vote on the proposals to refund the money - that is why the repayment procedure cannot start until September.” 


Following Council approval, the authority will launch an advertising campaign to inform residents of the refund process. Before then, to ensure drivers are kept updated, we will establish an e-alert system.  Drivers will be invited to sign up online to receive an email notification following the full-Council meeting in September, providing information once a decision has been made. 


Until then residents are urged not to submit requests for refunds. Claim requests made before September may not contain all the information needed to process them. 


For more information, or to sign up to receive e-alerts on the PCN refunds, go to www.richmond.gov.uk/appeals_for_fines_issued_by_camera_cars 


About the Author

Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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