Do you come here often?
17th August 2009
... Comments

Ah my gentle readers, there is a new boy playing on your street, and that boy is me.

I shall be knocking on your proverbial doors and asking for my ball back on a regular basis from now on, whilst telling you what's going on down the other end of the road.

Here at TheBestOfRichmond you know we love our Borough and all she has to offer. We like to champion our fantastic people and their businesses, from restaurants and boutiques, to plummers and therapists.

We want to laud our heros, our campaigners, our workers and our doers, and we do it so Richmond can live and work to her best advantage and make her mark in our lives.

I will of course be sending my scurrying minions out into the Borough to find out what's on and what's cooking, but we'd also like to hear from you! If you have anything you want me to blog about, or write about yourselves, email, and put it for my attention.

Is there a meal out you thoroughly enjoyed?

An event you want to plug?

A charity you want to support?

Red tape you want help cutting through?

Through TheBestOfRichmond's Blog we can do all of those things and so much more, just get in touch.

Social media like a local blog is the way forward for debate and opinion - it reaches more people, more quickly and more effectively than any other medium.

Do you remember when the email felt shiny and new and unsurpassable? Well, 'the blog' just overtook it speeding on the motorway with its fog lights on.


So I welcome myself to TheBestOf Richmond's blog, and have made myself a nice cup of tea as there's no one else here at the moment to do it for me - I might even offer myself a biscuit as well.



Regards, Silas Van Der Bas

Thank you for reading thebestof Richmond Blog. If you have something to say about Richmond and what's going on for you, we'd love to hear from you. Come and blog with us: email

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