Borough key to Olympic road races
11th February 2011
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Richmond Council has welcomed the announcement of the London 2012 Organising Committee (LOCOG) that the route for the road cycle races in next year’s Olympic Games will pass through our Borough.  

The races will begin on The Mall and head south west passing through Richmond upon Thames. The route will include Richmond Park, Bushy Park, Richmond, Hampton Court Palace and Twickenham, before heading further south into Surrey. The route will later return through the borough and back into central London where it will end where it began on The Mall.

Talking about the announcement of the route the Leader of Richmond Council, Lord True, said: “Our borough is to play a key role in the Olympic road cycle races next year.  That is great news. The race will pass through both of our Royal Parks, our two main towns and past one of the most historic sites in London – Hampton Court Palace. It will also cross the oldest existing bridge over the Thames in the capital – Richmond Bridge. Many thousands of our residents and visitors will be able to enjoy one of the game’s ‘blue ribbon’ events from a range of vantage points. 

“It will be an enormous logistical undertaking to get this massive event right.  We will be working closely with LOCOG and other authorities to make sure it is a success. But we have told the organisers that disruption to our residents must be kept to an absolute minimum.  They have the final say, but I expect them to ensure that residents will be able to go about their everyday business with the minimum of inconvenience. 

“This is a huge opportunity for our area with TV audiences worldwide already being estimated in the hundreds of millions. It really is an outstanding opportunity to showcase Richmond upon Thames as a ‘must see’ part of London for any visitor heading our way in the next few years.”

About the Author

Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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