BAA Promise to Carry On Switching
13th September 2010
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Residents of Kew, Mortlake, Richmond, Barnes and East Sheen, all in the flight path of on of Heathrow Airport's runways, have now been told they will continue to be given a respite from the noise of planes on their final approach.

The 2M Group of local authorities which campaigns on behalf of communities affected by Heathrow, and which Richmond Council is a primary member, have managed to secure a promise from the airport and central Government that at 3pm each day planes will carry on switching to using another runway.

Richmond Council hope that this break in aircraft noise should prove welcome for residents of Richmond and the other areas, and should give confidence that consideration is being given to them during Heathrow's development.

For six weeks however the alternation will be suspended due to repair works on the North runway, but Richmond Council are keen to see there are no overruns - "...both we and the government will be watching.”

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Silas Van Der Bas

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Silas Van Der Bas is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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