Apply now for permanent Richmondcard
6th September 2011
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Drivers living in Richmond upon Thames should apply now for their permanent RichmondCard to take advantage of the 30 minutes’ free parking and discounts on longer stays on offer from the Council.


The permanent cards are free and available to anyone living in the borough. 


Already the Council has issued around 16,000 permanent RichmondCards to local people who have a residents’ parking permit for their cars, so they can use them whilst out and about. All residents with vehicles are now being invited to apply for a permanent card to take advantage of the discounts, whether or not they had a white trial RichmondCard. The trial cards stopped working on 31 August.


Simon Chapman, chairman of St Margaret’s Traders Association, said: “The RichmondCard has had a positive effect on shops in our area which we’re pleased about. In the Council’s All in One survey people said they wanted action on parking and it’s now much easier to park around here.”


Permanent RichmondCards are free but only available to people who live in the borough. Residents can apply by completing a short application form available from libraries, sports centres and the Civic Centre in Twickenham, or by applying online at


The permanent cards have the same features as the white trial cards – they allow holders to park for up to 30 minutes for free in different places several times per day*. Holders are also entitled to a 10 per cent discount on the cost of parking for longer than 30 minutes, or 20 per cent for residents over 75. Drivers of DVLA band A cars can park for free for as long as they wish by using a RichmondCard to obtain a ticket from parking machines.

About the Author

Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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