A lot more allotments
23rd June 2009
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Allotment plots are almost as rare as kind words about Gordon Brown these days – but not for long! Richmond residents may soon have access to a lot more allotments thanks to new proposals from Richmond Council’s allotment task group.

The group has been studying allotment habits across the borough for several months and has come up with an action plan to cut waiting lists and allow more urban gardeners to enjoy the fruits of working the land.

The list includes introducing a probationary period for new allotment holders, stricter controls on all allotments to make sure that people are looking after them properly all year round, and dividing up larger, under-cultivated plots to make them easier to maintain and create new plots for new gardeners to boot!

The task group is due to present its report to the Environment and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Committee on June 24, and the Council is encouraging anyone who currently has or would like to have an allotment to go along to the meeting, listen to the new proposals and have their say.

Councillor Jerry Elloy, who is chairing the Overview and Scrutiny Committee said: “Allotments save people money through not having to shop for all their food, as well as helping them make friends and keep fit, and so we want to make more productive use of the existing plots.”

The meeting will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 24th June at the Sheen Lane Centre, 74 Sheen Lane, East Sheen, SW14 8LP. All are welcome to come along and listen, but you will need to register with Gary Lelliott at the Council on 020 8891 7275 by 2pm the day before the meeting if you want to speak.

Happy planting!

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Nick T

Member since: 10th July 2012

I launched The Best of Richmond in 2005 and am passionate about supporting all things local. In particular, we work hard to showcase the best local businesses who give the borough its character and make...

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