Halloween event for kids and adults - 'Scream Park'
12th September 2010
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Got handed a leaflet in Preston City Centre on Saturday...'Scream Park'...it's a Halloween Theme Park for (kids in the day ...and adults in the evening)....it looks great and it's going straight onto my Events Page on  thebestofpreston website.

If it is anything like the one at the entrance to Blackpool Pleasure beach (which they say it is) it is SERIOUSLY scarey...no coincidence that they don't allow kids in at night!

This is how they describe it ....

Scare Kingdom Scream Park is frightening and may include total darkness, water spray and splash, uneven surfaces, steps up and down, strobe lighting, latex, narrow tunnels, crouch spaces which require you to bend down while walking, sudden loud noises, live scareactors, fog and scent effects which are all intended to startle and frighten you.

We advise you not to enter if you are in late stages of pregnancy, have a heart disorder, suffer from claustrophobia, have a photosensitive form of epilepsy, suffer from a back disorder, suffer from asthma or are of a nervous disposition.

Prior to entry a dispatcher will deliver a verbal warning, you must listen to this and adhere to it at all times. Once warned you will be asked if you still wish to enter, you must reply "I wish to enter" . If you do not answer, you will not be granted entry.

check out their website www.scarekingdom.com

08444 771000

When booking you can use the voucher code 'SCREAM' and save £2 per person

About the Author

Colin W

Member since: 10th July 2012


I'm the owner of thebestof Preston and moderator of the blog. join me in posting about Preston and business in our area.

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