Alive to Drive
7th June 2010
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There’s a great event taking place at CHORLEY TESCO on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 June (all day).  It’s been organised by Chorley Advanced Motorists and is called ALIVE TO DRIVE.  Whilst it’s aimed primarily at young, inexperienced drivers, it is open to everyone, regardless of age.

 The campaign is supported by all the emergency services (Police, Fire, Ambulance), the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety (LPRS), the Highways Agency and the National Car Control Centre (NCCC).

 The aim of the campaign is to encourage better, safer and more confident driving.  There’ll be experts on hand to discuss aspects of driving and people will be encouraged to sign up and do the IAM (Institute Of advanced Motorists) Skill for Life course.  For those who do want to sign up there are two options available to them, both offering substantial discounts off normal prices, but subject to availability.


The Skill for Life advanced driving course, plus FREE Skid Control Course   

£139 (worth £238) save £99


The Skill for Life advanced driving course 

£99 (worth £139) save £40                                                                           

Rural roads are statistically the most dangerous and we have these in abundance in our area.  The course lasts 12 weeks and once people have passed the test (the examiner is a class 1 Police advanced driver) they are then eligible to take advantage of lower insurance premiums afforded to advanced drivers, especially those people aged 19 and above.  Indeed, some people have saved considerably more than the cost of the course!

There’ll be lots to see as well:

·        Air bag deployment demonstrations, using crash dummies

·        A skid pan vehicle on its cradle and out-riggers

·        A Mobile Fire Station

·        Police vehicles

·        Classic Sports Car, which recently won 1st Prize at a competition

·        Special offers and discounts

·        A free Skill for Life advanced driving course, along with free skid control course, for the youngest person to sign up during the event

·        Lower car insurance for everyone, especially young adults aged 19 and above

·        Plus a surprise visitor – the man in white!

Special guests will be there on the Friday:  the new Mayor of Chorley, Mr Ken Ball as well as Chorley’s MP Mr Lindsay Hoyle.

Radio Lancashire is covering the event during the week leading up to the event as well as there being live coverage during the event itself.  Also, Preston FM is doing an interview with a representative of Chorley Advanced Motorists on Tuesday 15 June from 9.30 am so listen out for those!

It certainly sounds as if there is lots going on during the two days so why not go along and take the family too.  See you there!

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Colin W

Member since: 10th July 2012


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