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Fishguard embraces Buy LOCAL Campaign.
23rd September 2014
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By raising awareness of one another’s efforts, we can get an overall picture of our LOCAL needs and develop an overall strategy that will take us forward. 

This summer has already seen the early forays into combined, concerted LOCAL efforts with Fish Week shop windows, The New Youth Festival and the tremendously successful Triathlon. 

If we can give a truly satisfying and rewarding experience to our visitors, they will stay longer, visit more often and engage with us, more freely. 

Suggestions, so far, by LOCAL traders include: Encouraging Coach Operators to return to Fishguard by providing a Special Drop off on West St car park, well promoted regular Guided Tours and improved opening of facilities on holidays and high days. One ingenious suggestion was a sponsored, “Odd Man Out” shop windows Treasure Hunt, designed to slow down the walk through town and highlight the different shops and wares. 

The ideas are coming in and hopefully we can sustain the momentum and forum, but the thought that we must take away, is that, while tourism is a vital boost, for many, it is the year round LOCAL trade that is truly important. 

As LOCALS, what do you think that we need in Fishguard? 

Is it a particular type of Goods, Service or a Social Need? 

The BUY LOCAL message is at the heart of the health of our LOCAL community. LOCAL trades, providing reliable quality goods and services, along with the loyalty of LOCAL customers. It’s a two way street and we all play our part. 

Some make it their policy to buy 3 things per week from LOCAL venues, instead of from national chains, or choose to experiment with different LOCAL products, just for the experience. 

Our LOCALITY has lots going on. There are lots of opportunities to get involved, whether joining clubs or volunteering in one of the LOCAL charities or ventures. 

Ask anyone who is already involved, such as Unis and Pat, who have spent decades serving the LOCAL community. Is there REALLY “more happiness in giving than receiving”? Yes, it really is truly rewarding.

To read more about Fishguard and Goodwick on thebestof Pembrokeshire click here

About the Author

Claire P

Member since: 8th November 2012

Hi I am part of thebestof team and help Diana promote and shout about our great local business members and also all the other great things that happen and go on in Pembrokeshire.

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