Riverside Surgery
Riverside Surgery
  • Barnard Avenue
    North Lincolnshire
    United Kingdom
    DN20 8AS

Opening Times:

Riverside Surgery

Monday                     08:00 - 18:30            normal opening hours

Tuesday                     08:00 - 20:00             * 18:30 - 20:00 extended hours

Wednesday                08:00 - 18:30            normal opening hours

Thursday                    08:00 - 20:00             * 18:30 - 20:00 extended hours

Friday                         08:00 - 18:30            normal opening hours

Saturday                    CLOSED          

* As part of our extended opening hours, we have late surgeries from 18:30 to 20:00 on a Tuesday and Thursday night. Appointments offered are as follows:

Tuesday                     18:30 – 20:00: 9 GP appointments 

                                18:30 – 19:00: 6 telephone consultations

Thursday                   18:30 – 20:00: 9 GP appointments

                                18:30 – 19:00: 6 telephone consultations

                          18:3019:30: 9 family planning appointments 

These appointments must be booked in advance and cannot be offered as a walk-in service.

Broughton Surgery

Monday                   08:00 - 12:00

                              16:00 - 18:00

Tuesday to Friday     08:00 - 12:00 

Social Interaction