The Biggest Killer! by Affirmation Photography
10th July 2008
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Now you're probably thinking heart disease and the likes. But I am not talking about us as people, I am talking about your business.

If you run your own business there are all the familiar headaches, keeping the cash flowing, where to advertise, how to get good get the idea. If you employ others along side, you may not be at such a risk from this terrible infliction that could eventually lead to the death of your business.

What am I talking about?


If you have a good cashflow and a sound business idea, the daily grind of working alone with little physical contact with the outside world can put an end to your business.
My husband comes home from his job each evening a little tired, it's been busy, then talks about conversations/discussions he's had, jokes shared with colleagues, all that stuff. And yes, I felt a little jelous. I have been in all week editing images, making plans for a new venture, chatting to clients, taking bookings etc it has been busy but there have been no colleugues to share jokes/ideas/have lunch with.
Don't get me wrong, this is not a moan, I love what I do after all I chose to become a professional photographer.

What I am saying is this. Take every opportunity to get out there and network. It's not all about getting business, it's about meeting others like yourself, sharing problems/ideas/solutions. Sometimes you get or can give a little encouragement. Othertimes it may help you to realise how much you have acheived. Take people up on their invitation for networking lunches, breakfasts and anything else that comes along.
If you are on TBON, but have never been to one of the monthly (free) networking evenings, why not? At the very best you could pick up new business, at the worse, you will relax, meet a variety of people, and start to build long term relationships with others like yourself. Leave your desk and phone behind for an evening or two.

So give Isolation a kick in the butt and see you at the next TBON networking evening in September. Come along, I think you will get a nice surprise! Click here for a few pics taken in recent event at Neath Rugby Club. See you soon!


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