Springsteen was Bril. The Children Enjoyed it
17th June 2008
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What a night at the Millennium Stadium. I might be a little bit older than I was when I first saw Springsteen, but with the children in hand this time at 16 and 14 it was a night to remember of sheer entertainment. Even though the children didn't know all the songs they knew the anthems of a final encore that lasted 40 minutes!! Where else can you get a solid three hours of pure entertainment. 60,000 fans can't be wrong. You must admire the likes of Springsteen and the E Street Band. They are one of the true great rock bands that can hold an audience for ages with a variety of songs. I was most pleased that the children really enjoyed it and that they were amazed that the 58 year old had so much energy and enthusiasm for a solid 3 hour performance especially finishing with a 5 song 40 minutes not stop encore. Brillant.

Anyone else go to the concert? What did you think?

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