National Allergies Week
26th April 2013
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This National Allergy Week will draw awareness to various allergies and promote well-being in those who suffer from them. Usually the body's response is actually towards a harmless substance - a common allergen like dust, pets, medicines and dairy foods like milk and eggs. One that affects me quite badly is the allergens in tree and grass. Pollen tiggers my hayfever every time! Some allergens can be less obvious. A young girl from the UK died last year after a very bad reaction to the chemical in a hair dye. That's why there is always such emphasis on testing the dye first! So, what allergic reaction symptoms can you expect? A runny nose, sneezing itchy eyes and ears, and in more serious cases, swollen lips or a rash. The effects can range from irritating to fatal. And all of these symptoms are a result of your body launching an attack on the invading allergen to drive it out of your body!

Me; I tried Acupuncture over 30 years ago and I have not suffered since.......

About the Author

John C

Member since: 10th July 2012

Dedicated to building TBO Malvern but I still like to find time to play golf, usually on a Friday afternoon.Decorating and gardening is best left to the lovely Mrs Cook!

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