Macclesfield basks in the sunshine in October?! Fancy a little bit more?
4th October 2011
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Well, I don't know about you but although I LOVE all the traditions, lights and anticipation of Christmas, I am seriously contemplating making it something a bit different this year.


Because alongside the traditions, lights and anticipation comes stress, arguments and expense...for one day? So I'm looking at a few options.


What about winter sunshine? I don't think I could go so far as lying on a beach on Christmas day, but re-charging my batteries in January sounds like an option.


The charm of Sharm El Sheikh is definitely appealing. Alongside stunning beaches I could grab a bit of culture via the pyramids and the sphynx, and don't even get me started on the shopping! At Jill Wilson Travel, there are deals for less than £400 pp for a week in January. That should leave a bit left over for shopping! Or what about the Canaries, each island offering winter sunshine and its own individual charm... decisions, decisions...


But then it IS winter? I AM a traditionalist and winter equals snow. But I really don't fancy the grey slushy stuff, so looking further afield, I've found Austria at around £400 pp and France for only £263 pp! Glistening, snow covered mountains, evenings enjoying apres ski around a log fire, sounds pretty good to me. I've never actually TRIED skiing before but it looks easy enough. Is that going to suit the kids though?


Lapland - could there BE anything more Christmassy?! Trawling the internet there are dozens of options available, sleigh rides, reindeer and personal audiences with the big man in red. There's always going to be one to suit. They are booking up quite quickly now though, and they're not necessarily the cheapest option, but what price is a magical once in a lifetime experience?


But do I really want to go somewhere cold in the middle of winter? I'm leaning towards the sunshine option again. Especially as someone just told me that places like Goa and the Dominican Republic are seriously hot and extremely competitively priced as winter sun destinations. Somewhere completely different and a bit exotic sounding, that definitely appeals.


I have completely confused myself now. What IS best for me? I'm going to sleep on it, discuss it and give Jill Wilson a call - as a Personal Travel Advisor, she is something of an expert and camn fix you up with practically anything, from the best cheap deal to a completely tailor made package.


On thebestof Macclesfield Offers Page, she can also start your holiday in style with Free Lounge Passes at Manchester Airport.


So go on, take a look and give yourself something to look forward to.

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