A few tickets still remain for the first ever Concert in the Park in Macclesfield tomorrow.
Starting at 5pm at West Park on Saturday 14th August, the mini-festival includes two stages of live music and entertainment that will include a Lady Gaga tribute act and a show stopping Abba Reunion theatre act, as well as fireworks and a host of local talent.
Event organiser and Silk 106.9 DJ, Andy Bailey, outlined: "It will be a great night full of entertainment right the way through.
"It’ll keep all the traditions of Party in the Park alive. You can bring your family and friends for what is surely the biggest night of entertainment for Macclesfield."
Tickets are still on sale from Silk 106.9’s office on Moss Lane and will be on sale from 9am on the day – Saturday, August 14 – in the Grosvenor Centre and at West Park.
They cost £5 for juniors, £10 for adults and £25 for a family ticket.
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