The Mind Guys: 22nd May @ The Departure Lounge, Abergele
24th April 2012
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Just a few tickets left for May’s Mind Guys – Mind & Universe Connection Event

Here's what Mike Garner and Mike Denison have to say about their forthcoming event......

If you missed the last 2 of  events don't miss this one, our last event in March was a complete hit and we filled the room. The Mind & Body Connection, was an insight to why we think and feel the way we do and how we can move energy around to feel great whatever is going on in our lives. I am sure you could benefit from some of that
The energy lifting exercises just shifted the groups perception on what they might be capable of

If you want to feel great, to be able to increase your performance or to feel more in control of everything around you, then come and spend an evening with Mike Garner and myself, I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.

The next event on Tuesday 22nd May (18:00-21:30) – The Mind & Universe Connection will open your eyes as to how you can  really connect with people and possibilities, be it in business, relationships or just to feel great

The Law of Attraction is not just what The Secret would have you believe, it is much more and actually a natural part of how our universe works. We are all, as human beings, creators and energy movers when you know how to make it work.

The last few tickets are just £25 and you will not get more high value information or practical techniques you can use on a day to day basis, anywhere this side of London. Plus there is food and refreshments all included

Call either of the Mike's on 07711 897192 / 07860 138265 or visit their website which is

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