Roughmute Recycling Centre
Roughmute Recycling Centre
  • Bogton Road,
    FK5 3NP
\rOpening Hours \r\r \r\r\rSummer \r• April to September: 8.00am - 8.00pm \r\r\rWinter \r• October to March: 9.00am - 6.00pm \r\rBoth Recycling Centres open 363 days a year only closing on Christmas Day and New Years Day. \r\rLast entry - 15 minutes before site closes. \r\r\rSeparating your waste \r\rIn order to comply with the European Landfill Directive, At the Recycling Centres you will be asked to separate your waste into the correct containers to maximise recycling. \r\r\rPlease note \r\rPlease note that Kinneil Kerse and Roughmute Recycling Centres are available for use by Falkirk Council residents only. Proof of residency may be required to access the centres (eg driving license, utility bill etc). \r\rThis service is free to all householders. The maximum vehicle size permitted at each site is gross 3.5 tonnes. \r\rCommercial users must obtain a Small Traders Tipping Permit prior to using the Centres. Permits can be obtained from your local One Stop Shop.\r
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