
5/5 based on 5 reviews
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“This year’s visit certainly met our expectations and beyond! The trip to the beach was fantastic; how you arranged for the mist to disappear like that I will never know.”
Paula Wilson South Grove Primary School 12-16 Jan 2009
Thank you for a brilliant time. We loved the decorated bedrooms, the amazing food and really enjoyed all the activities especially working together on the team challenges.
Beckley CE Primary School- 11th-15th October 2010
Another brilliant week with the best children and staff helpers ever! One to remember! Thanks for an amazing week, you even arranged the weather! See you next year x
Catherine, Claire, Dave- Higham Primary School-
I have been bringing children to Rippledown Environmental Education Centre for twelve years now and the reasons for our many visits are numerous. Firstly, the quality of the learning that the children are exposed to is excellent, science, history and geographical topics are covered in a fun meaningful and memorable way for the children. Staff are incredibly knowledgeable but also accessable and approachable. Important life skills are at the core of the experiences, as is environmental responsibility on a local and global scale. Secondly the organisation that goes into a week at rippledown is exceptional, not only are bookings and communications dealt with swiftly and effectively, but food orders are taken so that provisions can be made to an appropriate level, and food is not wasted. Meals provided during the week are of the highest quality, well balanced and nutritional. It is not unusual to find that children are trying food that they have not been exposed to at home.
The level of the organisation demonstrated by the staff extends the children as well, with independence and responsibility being encouraged and expected. The centre is a well-oiled machine but one that is pervaded with a sense of friendship, care and respect.
Returning to Rippledown is like visiting a cherished family member and this mutual respect is reflected in the children’s attitudes towards staff. We never need to look elsewhere for our residential trip providers. Beverly Swansborough
(Lower KS2 Manager, Holy Trinity Primary, Gravesend)
We all had an awesome time this weekend. Great food and fantastic staff have made our trip very enjoyable. We especially enjoyed pond dipping and minibeast hunting! By the end we were all bugged out!
St Stephens Primary School- 16th-18th May 03
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