Blog Post from Nigell Botterill founder of Entrepreneurs Circle
I’ve just come across a fascinating article on the Guardian website about a centuries-old language which in danger of disappearing forever because the last two people on earth who speak it fluently won’t talk to each other!
Ayapaneco has been spoken in Mexico for centuries. It’s survived the Spanish conquest, wars, revolutions, famines and floods but now it’s at risk of extinction simply because people aren’t communicating properly. Amazing.
It’s a really good read and if you’re interested you can find the article here however, it made me think about how this important it is to communicate well in business.
You see, if you’re not out there spreading the word and talking about what you do then your business, like so many indigenous languages, will also be at risk of becoming extinct!
It doesn’t matter how many recessions, competitors or other challenges you manage to survive through, you’ve GOT to keep on getting out there and talking to people, shouting about what you do and telling everyone who’ll listen why they should spend their money with you… because if you don’t you could find your business relegated to the history books.
So how well are you communicating in your business? Both within your team and with regards to your marketing? What should you be talking about right now that you’re not?
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