Do you have staff that are regularly off sick?
13th August 2010
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Once again our local HR Expert Joy Arkley has forwarded this timely article from the HR Dept

Do you have staff that are regularly off sick?

Is it because they really are sick or is it because they are no longer coping and not receiving the support from their employer? A recent report highlights the 35 million days UK workers falsely take off as sick days and it has been questioned whether the problem lies with the employers themselves.  So what can employers do? It’s in the employer’s interest to provide a work-life balance as part of their approach to supporting attendance especially is there is much evidence of the damaging effects of stress these days, with recent research showing that people who regularly work 10 or 12 hours a day are 56% more likely to develop heart disease or have a heart attack.  Scarey thought !  To read the full article from the HR Dept click here

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Diana V

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am Diana Vickers, the site owner of thebestof Carmarthenshire. This was launched in Carmarthen town in June 2008, to support the very best of the area’s businesses with their promotions and marketing....

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