Four Elms Medical Centre
Four Elms Medical Centre
  • Pengam Green Surgery
    Sterling Close
    Fford Pengam
    Pengam Green
    CF24 2HB
Based in Cardiff Four Elms currently run two different surgeries Pengem Green and Cardiff Royal Infirmary Surgery.

Four Elms Medical Centre is a GP practice providing high quality family health services for patients in Cardiff through their two surgery sites at Pengam Green Surgery and Cardiff Royal Infirmary Surgery.
Four Elms is also recognised as leading Postgraduate 'Training Practice' affiliated to the Wales College of Medicine Cardiff to provide undergraduate education.

Opening Times
Pengam Green
Monday to Friday 8:30am-6:30pm
Four Elms Cardiff Royal Infirmary
Monday to Friday 8:30am-6:30pm

Patients are able to access the surgeries by telephone between 8:00am-6:30pm 

Social Interaction