Canterbury StreetGames
6th May 2010
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Have you heard about the StreetGames project?

It's an initiative launched towards the end of April, designed to get young people off the streets and involved in sports and physical activities. It provides free sports that include football, dodgeball, street dance, boxing and fishing.

Over the next couple of months, sessions will be available as follows:

* Littlebourne Recreation Ground, Littlebourne, Tuesdays, 7pm to 8.30pm
* St Andrew’s Close, Whitstable, Thursdays, 6pm to 7.30pm
* Hampton Recreation Ground, Herne Bay, Thursdays, 8pm to 9.30pm
* Sturry Road Community Gardens, Canterbury, Fridays, 6pm to 7.30pm
* Vauxhall Avenue ball court, Canterbury, Fridays, 8pm to 9.30pm
The areas have been selected where there is little going on for youngsters, and it's hoped that they will become passionate enough about the activities to carry them on after the project ends.

All coaches will be from local clubs, adding further to the community spirit. It is also hoped that the youngsters will not only take part in the activities, learning new skills both sporting and social, but will want to continue their involvement in the community, perhaps by volunteering as project workers themslves.

StreetGames is led by Canterbury City Council in partnership with Kent Police, the Safer Canterbury District Partnership, Kent Sport and the School Sports Partnership.

Even before it has been launched in Canterbury district, the project has been awarded a StreetMark award, a quality recognition mark given to organisations and initiatives that meet the criteria for providing safe and fun sporting activities.
Once it has completed its nine-week run at the first five estates, StreetGames will move to other parts of the district for further sessions.

It's a great idea for a scheme. I just hope there will also be some support structure put in place to help those taking part continue with the sports if they get a taste for them.


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Ben Jackson is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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