Stop Smoking Service - Brighton & Hove
Stop Smoking Service - Brighton & Hove
  • Stop Smoking Brighton and Hove
    The Bungalow Administrative Base
    Glynde Building
    Brighton General Hospital
    Elm Grove
    BN2 3EW
How to Stop Smoking? The NHS Stop Smoking service is for residents of Brighton and Hove and will see anyone who wants advice about and support with stopping smoking.


How to stop smoking cigarettes and enjoy a healthier lifestyle?

The Brighton and Hove NHS Stop Smoking Service will help anyone who wants advice about and support with stopping smoking.

Stopping smoking is the single most important change any smoker can do to improve their health and it also has a positive impact on personal finances as well!

Working with the Stop Smoking Service greatly improves your chances of quitting successfully. In fact you are up to four times more likely to quit successfully with the support of the NHS Stop Smoking Service.

How To Access

If you are in hospital or are waiting to go into hospital for surgery, call us on 01273 696955 ext 7445

We have specialists ready to help:

    • any smoker who is ready and motivated to quit
    • pregnant women, their partners and parents of young children
    • people in the workplace

Contact us now on 01273 267397 **24 hour answerphone service


Contact Details

Stop Smoking Brighton and Hove
The Bungalow Administrative Base 
Glynde Building 
Brighton General Hospital 
Elm Grove 

Tel: 01273 267397 (24 hour answerphone service)

Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 9:30am to 3:30pm

How to find us

We operate from various venues across Brighton and Hove City – Please ring the above number for details.

Access to buildings for disabled people and people in wheelchairs varies according to each site, as does parking. Please ask for details.

More information

Smoke Free NHS Stop Smoking

Social Interaction