Writing for the web? 5 steps to make your writing stand out
8th October 2011
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Here's a scenario for you - you're revamping your website and you've got to write 250 words on why I (a customer) should use your services. 

Now if the thought of filling a blank page or screen leaves your stomach churning - help is at hand. 

Emma Jayne Jones, director of Bitesize Business Writing, specialises in helping people write better and has taught hundreds of people how to write brilliant websites. At a recent 4 Networking event in Harrow, Emma delivered a great session on writing for the web. So if you're faced with the task of writing for your website or for a blog, thanks to Emma, here are 5 steps to make your writing better

How do you read a website?

Not the same way as you read something in print. Chances are you'll scan and hunt for the key information you're after and you won't hang around too long to find it. Does your writing make it easy for your readers to find what they want quickly and easily? 

What are you trying to say?

Before you start make sure you know the purpose of your message or it won't make sense. Make a plan and focus on the end result. What will your readers do or get from reading your work?

Get to the point

Don't waffle on the web. Grab their attention and put the key information at the top where they look first.

Don't wee all over your website

Is your writing full of the word "we"? If so, you're thinking about your business and not your readers. Using "you" instead of "we" makes you focus on your readers making it relevant to them and their needs.

Use helpful headings, punchy phrases and bullets

  • Don't lose your readers in a fog of long turgid text. 
  • Clear headings give focus helping them skip to what's relevant
  • Punchy words and phrases make your point more memorable and 
  • Bullet points provide clarity.

Now this is just a taster - if you want to find out more about writing for the web or how Emma can help you improve your writing, check the Bitesize Business Writing website.


About the Author

Andy Coleman (The Best of Barnet Borough)

Member since: 8th July 2012

I'm Andy Coleman - as owner of the Best of Barnet Borough my mission is simple, to help people find local businesses and services which they can trust. We do this by promoting tried, trusted, recommended...

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