Help keep Barnet Museum open
17th March 2012
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Would you like to help save Barnet Museum from closure?

Have you signed the petition? 

Here’s a message from Julie Tucker who is campaigning to save the museum. 

The online petition and the names collected locally are already approaching 10,000 signatures. This includes support from the likes of Philippa Gregory (see her article in the Times Series Newspapers).

Since promoting the petition on Philippa Gregory’s Facebook Fan Page and also that of the Richard III Society, the petition has gone global with support from Austria, Australia, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain and the USA, so please add your name to the petition to help save our heritage. 

There are plans in place to excavate three sites to discover the exact location of the Battle of Barnet, the only battle to have been fought in London and a significant engagement and turning point in the Wars of the Roses. 

The Barnet Museum is the interpretive centre for the Battle and will be required to exhibit any finds from the battlefield, this would increase tourism in the area hugely as the battlefield would become an important site for military historians. We have already lost the Church Farmhouse Museum in Hendon, let’s not allow this to happen in Barnet.

Please take a moment to sign our petition and perhaps take your children there in the Easter holidays. There are fun activities for them to do with a quiz to find certain items in the museum that makes them really look at the displays, also a game to find some little mice hidden around. Anyone involved in education should contact the museum to arrange an educational visit.

The museum is staffed and run by volunteers, it could really use your support. If you feel compelled to take further action please contact Julie for letters you can send to Barnet MP Theresa Villiers, Communities minister Eric Pickle and Mayor Johnson.

See Barnet Museum website and like it on Facebook

About the Author

Andy Coleman (The Best of Barnet Borough)

Member since: 8th July 2012

I'm Andy Coleman - as owner of the Best of Barnet Borough my mission is simple, to help people find local businesses and services which they can trust. We do this by promoting tried, trusted, recommended...

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